In The Name Of Allah, the most Beneficient, the most Merciful.

Ahlan wasahlan, Hello, my beloved readers.
thank you because choosing this blog to be visited.
First of all, people said , you can't love what you don't know, thus,I'll make sure all of my readers will fallen in love with me after this. So, be careful, okay. hehehe.

Alhamdulillah my mother has given birth to me on 3 july 2000. All praises to Allah for this chance and until now I can countinue my journey in this dunya.
19 is the number to show my age right now.
let's make it simple as abc, you guys just can call my nickname cik daffa, you guys can search the meaning in the google.it is not my true name, enough for you guys to know me as cik daffa, okay.. 
