
Good morning, my beloved readers, All praises to Allah SWT, I am very pleased to be writing today. I hope that you feel excited as I am since a long time time there were no post in my blog. I’d like to draw your attention for a few minute to share with you my experience to all of my beloved readers. I am very thankful to Allah SWT to give me time and opportunity to be in this Islamic international university Malaysia. Alhamdulillah also that I have completed a part of assignment is to create this blog in instructional technology. I agog with this learning process because entire of my life, I’ve never dream to have my own blog. Special thanks dedicated for my lovely lecturer, Madam Sharifah for being very supportive and kind. She assist us one by one to ensure that all of her students get the same knowledge. On this journey of learning, I had learned something about theories in education. It is quite interesting and exciting to learn it.

Hasil carian imej untuk gif behaviourism
First and foremost, let’s have a brief explanation. Did you know what is the learning theories? It is the process how student absorb and retain the knowledge in learning process. The popular ine is behaviourism. Behaviourism is operating on a principle of “stimulus response”. It is only focuses on objectively observant behaviour and discounts any independent activities of mind. The behaviourist identify conditioning as a universal learning process. Thus, conditioning can be divided two categories which are classical conditioning and operant conditioning. The effective tool that can be used in behaviourism is negative and positive reinforcement. There a few contributors in this theories which are john b. Watson, b.f. skinner, and ivan Pavlov.

 What is the relationship between behaviourism and my learning session?, therefore, along my journey on making and creating blog. Madam assists I and my friends. She will give explaination with the demonstration and then I will copy her action. Besides,before I started  this blog will give us a big mark on our assessment. If I ignore it, perhaps I will lost a lot of marks in my subject. The marks determine me to do so and also I feel responsible as my obligation as a student to complete all the task given.Eventhough, I gain something new and I enjoyed to do so.

Hasil carian imej untuk gif brain

Subsequently, it is about cognitivism. Cognitivsim is the study about how people perceive, think, remember and learn. It focuses more on mental process rather than behaviour. Cognitivism involves examining learning, memory, problem solving skills, and intelligence.  Cognitive theorists may want to understand how problem solving changes throughout childhood, how cultural differences affect the way we view our own academic achievements, language development, and much more. (Feldman, Cognitivism)

As we all know, cognitivism is different from behaviorism. What I can relate to my learning process is that I find that I use a lot of my mind and brain especially to come up with creative ideas. I chose language as a topic that is discussed in my blog because I feel that language is a key element of society. it also promotes one's language with language. In addition, I also need to think about ways to make my blog interesting. there is no denying that my sharifah madam and my classmates approach the use of cognitivism in the classroom. a little bit of critical and creative thinking can boost to create a great and useful blog for the community especially for students.

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Last but not least, this term we call it as constructivism. Constructivism is an approach to learning that holds that people actively construct or make their own knowledge and that reality is determined by the experiences of the learner. This prior knowledge influences what new or modified knowledge individual will construct from new learning experience. Typically, this constructivism is divided into three broad categories: based on the work of jean Piaget, social constructivism on the work of Lev Vygotsky and radical constructivism. As we know, Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky both of them were very active in giving and making their own theories in education. Basically, this what we can understand roughly from constructivism theories.

Thus, madam Sharifah has be a good constructivist ever in our class. She acts as a facilitator of learning rather than an instructor. Alhamdulillah, I can construct my already knowledge to my blog. Based on the long explanation and comment from madam about our blog, it improve a lot and helps me to decide the best and applied it to my blog. What madam do, is after give the explanation and briefing a few steps on how to create the blog by google account, she will guide us till the end. It is the interactive learning process because we can construct our own knowledge on our blog based on our passion and preference. From the first session on making blog, madam will guide and show us by using projector such as on how to register the blog, to add the post, to make pages and to change the theme. After that, madam will let us decide by our self, and I choose this topic since it is my passion and I think it is very crucial and important among our people. Since, I have choose the suitable theme on my blog, therefore I ask madam opinion then madam will throw out her views and opinions. Apart from that, the blog process making still need lecturer intervention.
