
Afterwards, I want to show you guys the best video ever that i've found it in my research. It's really helpful the beginner like us to know and take a baby step on the lesson of three languages which are arabic, english and thailand language.

This is the first video that i suggest to you guys to watch it during your leisure time. This video will be conducted in english and it  contains teaching session on how to write the thai word, how to pronounce thai word and introduce us with thai alphabet that totally different with common alphabet. 
don't miss this chance, let's watch it now!!!!

Besides, the second video is teaching arabic grammar. For your information, in arabic language there are two pivotal component which are syntax and morphology. Thus, this video will emphasize the basic one grammar in arabic language which is the word kalam or sentences will not complete by one word only but it must contain "isim" or "fiil". What is 'isim', 'fiil', to know it further, let's check it out in this video. In my opinion, learning arabic will take a long time to understand it, the element is very complicated and hard to understand, but once you get it, you will feel proud of yourself. When you watch this video, you will realised that arabic is easy not as many assumption said that arabic is very hard to learn.

Last but not least, I'm pretty sure you guys are exciting to learn english language. This is video serves us with innovative video, it teaches us by using animation conversations. Unique right?!,, for the first time, I watch this video, I've fallen love with the ways that have been use to conveys the grammar lesson towards people. Obviously, it is adorable lesson. Other than that, you guys can watch the video by topic, the video above about past tense. In order, you guys want to learn another topic in english grammar, you guys just can subscribe the channel keep follow their track on grammar lesson.


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